Sound Healing


SOUND ENERGY MEDICINE ~Sound Energy Massage – Healing with Himalayan Singing Bowls

“If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, vibration and frequency.” ~Nikola Tesla

Here is 1min video-recording of 1h Sound Energy Massage with Himalayan Singing Bowls. Please, note, that this is full body massage with vibration of the bowls (unique ancient therapy) plus sonic sound bath.

Lola can combine it with Full Chinese Medicine diagnostics and Acupuncture with needles or tuning forks.

Sound Energy Medicine (SEM) is the science, the art and the practice of combining tactile vibrations with calming music or voice with the aim of achieving beneficial results for health, i.e. pain reduction, muscles relaxation and mind calming.

There are multiple instruments used for Sound Energy Medicine Therapy by skilful specialists. Vibrations are created by various music instruments or by singing, using own voice.

The practices of Sound Energy Medicine have been existing since the ancient times in many civilisations, in many forms – starting from healing with Tibetan Singing Bowls, Gongs, Mantras, prayers and overtone chanting, Yogic Kriyas, and up till now when Music and Voice therapies are part of conventional and complimentary medicine. The impact of SEM practices are being thoroughly studied now by the scientists worldwide. Please, see our page Science dedicated to this research.

Among one of profound life-works is the Vibroacoustic Therapy research independently lead in Scandinavia by Dr. Olav Skille and Petri Lehikoinen between 1970 and 1980. Dr. Skille presented a theory that builds on the work of Drs. Karel and Heda Jindrak exploring the concept that physical vibrations of sound provide an internal cleansing massage (or kriyas in yoga). Beneficial effects, both physically and psychologically, have been shown through over 30,000 hours of research by Olav Skille. The reasons behind these effects are being scientifically studied, and it is evident that vibroacoustics triggers the relaxation response that has been shown to lead to an array of preventative health and wellness benefits.

Another dedicated research was lead by biophysicist Gerald Oster, who introduced the concept of Binaural Beat. He showed that when a tone is played in one ear and a slightly different tone is played in the other ear, the difference causes the brain to create a third, internal tone, called a binaural beat. It syncs the brain waves in both hemispheres, synchronises the brain work, bringing focus and relaxation.

There are many other scientists and practitioners who dedicated their life to sound healing. We included their stories in sections Science

Physiologically, the relaxation response initiates the following changes, which can be called the SEM Therapy benefits, here are few of them:

  • Decreases the pain, both physiological and psychological
  • Decreases anxiety and stress, fatigue and depression, nausea and headache
  • Balances blood pressure and stimulates blood circulation
  • Slows heart rate
  • Slows respiration rate and normalises the breath
  • Relaxes muscles
  • Changes viscosity of phlegm in lungs
  • Skin surface massage and deep tissue massage
  • Deep massage of intestines (often resulting in improvement of constipation)
  • Analgesia
  • Reduces stress-hormone levels (Cortisol, Beta-endorphin and ACTH)
  • Improves quality of life
  • Improves reproduction function
  • Binaural rhythms synchronise the brain which brings it to state of alpha-, beta-, theta- waves, balancing the work of all body systems and organs as a result

At the moment we have over 300 graduates around the worldwide which integrate sound therapy at hospitals, hospices, charity organizations for children, elderly, disabled and military, centres for post-traumatic support, in yoga and meditation classes, Reiki and other massage therapies, for healing and wellbeing of community.

Most of our graduates are professionals working as psychotherapists, counsellors, yoga, mindfulness and meditation teachers, Reiki energy healers and massage therapists, sound artists, and some people just learn for self-healing and healing their family.

Lola Lhamo together with Sound Energy Medicine Practitioners Association hold certified courses monthly in London and by request around the world. Please, see all scheduled Courses here.

It takes just 2 days to complete Level 1 course which gives you necessary skills to become certified sound therapist and start integrating sound healing with singing bowls. On Level 1 we learn the foundations of energy healing and sound therapy, ancient yogic texts and science behind healing with vibration and sound, history of singing bowls and their significance in cultures, techniques for self-healing, mindfulness and meditation, Sound Energy Massage with 1-2 bowls and Sound Bath with 4 & 7 bowls for balancing 5 elements and energy centres or chakras.

Level 2 is for those willing to dive deeper into harmonics and sacred geometry of sound, human being and the universe, the power of voice and overtone chanting. The graduates receive 4 more complex Sound Bath techniques, including Healing Harmonics, Pentagram Merkaba Sri Yantra, Enneagram 4thWay and Tree of life, as well as learn overtone chanting as voice therapy.

Level 3 is in-depth study of Bhakti Yoga, mantras, leading Kirtans.

Level 4 is focused on using sound therapy for healing various body and mind disbalances, as well as learning Chinese medicine approach to balancing energy meridians, optimizing work of various organs, body systems and mind.

This unique therapy stayed hidden for many centuries, kept sacred in Buddhist tradition of healing and enlightenment..

In Buddhism Maitreya, the Buddha of the future, can be translated from Sanskrit as Harmonic Resonance..

Lola Lhamo founded Sound Energy Medicine Practitioners Association (SEMPA) to unite the masters of sound therapy and support scientific research on this topic. She agrees with the scientists and energy healers that the sound is the future medicine.

Already now it has been scientifically proven, that Sound Therapy is powerful medicine! The resonance frequencies may impact malicious cells destroying them and reactivate dormant genes. Please, see various Research publications here.

Come and enjoy massage with the singing bowls, discover for yourself powerful sound energy medicine~

You can book your session below or contact Lola.

Feel free to request Gift Voucher for your friends / family.

You can choose one session (£122), treatment programme of 5 sessions (£499) or massage at your home ( £155)

For booking, please, contact Lola Lhamo by LhamoLola @ or +447757093532 to confirm day and time.


You may be also interested in:

~ Learn Sound Therapy and become certified Sound Therapist: weekend Certified Course in Sound Energy Medicine & Nada Yoga with Himalayan Singing Bowls – please, follow THIS LINK for more details and the dates of the course

Lola also offers workshops dedicated to QUANTA ENERGY HEALING, which covers the Sound Energy Medicine. Previously event was held at Theosophical Society in London, London & European studios.

Himalayan Energy Healing banner

Take a look also at our RETREATS & TEACHER TRAININGS in BALI, combining Sound and Energy Healing, Neuroscience, Yoga, Meditation and Breath

Please, contact Lola to book the session on LhamoLola

Mob: +44 7757093532

image1-2Healing Yoga and Sound Lola Lhamo Yoga Studio, Tibetan Singing Bowls, Greenwich22885839_123541344988923_3495421688328510443_n