Bali Retreats

QUANTA LEAP workshops, retreats and educational programmes in Bali

We created these Higher Self Activation journeys in Bali, in sacred gentleness reconnecting to all multidimensional beauty of the Body, Mind, and Soul, with aim of letting flow what’s not serving us anymore, release the patterns that cloud pure vision and experience being in harmony with ourselves and the world around, and move to higher frequency life in wholeness, becoming true Creators.

We often welcome leaders who achieved a lot in their lives, and yet experience disconnection by many reasons, which are sometimes difficult to grasp and resolve with logical mind. We are not searching for Why’s – we offer sacred space to be as you are, embrace yourself, all aspects and manifestations of unique You, as we know life is an experience of many things, through which we learn as a soul, and sometimes it can be not an easy learning, but it is the path which the soul has chosen to evolve.

The state of wholeness, joy, and inner peace is always there for us wherever we choose to reconnect to Higher Self. When we reach that destination we receive immense inner power (and sometimes so called super natural capacities which are naturally within), continuing to inspire and empower others in community, creating powerful resonance with our work.

We bring together unique masters in co-creation, true artists in their field of work – spiritual teachers, scientists, leadership guides, merging spiritual practices with latest innovative bio-hacking technology, in most beautiful retreat spaces of Bali, sacred land of Water and the waterfalls, mountains and temples, where we reconnect to nature of our soul.

For those who would like to dive deep into Sound and Energy Medicine arts and become Certified Sound Therapist and Energy Healer we prepared 2 special events in Bali:

50h Teacher Training in Sound & Energy Healing: 4-9 January 2025 (details…)

2 Days Sound Healing, Sound Energy Medicine Course Level 1 (details…)

We also have ONLINE 100h QUANTA Energetics Course recorded in Bali (details…)

November 2024, 2 weeks (1 week Ubud Soul medicine, 1 week Uluwatu Ocean Power)

This is a multidimensional retreat for Inner Power, Peace, and Abundance:

  • For deep healing of your Soul;
  • For reconnecting to Body, Mind, and Spirit, and inner nature;
  • For discovering more about sacred Inner Alchemy, 5 Elements and their power;
  • For empowering and bringing abundance to your life path and business.
  • It’s also for those who inquires about their spiritual mission, working towards self-growth and self-realization in life, who has experienced Higher states of mind and would like to explore this more.

WEEK 1. SOUL MEDICINE in UBUD. During Week 1 we will go through deep healing journey of Letting Go Old and Restoring Natural Harmony within. We will participate in Fire and Water Purification ceremonies, lead by Balinese priests and priestesses, experience energy healing from Balians (Balinese healers), enjoy various practices for body, mind, and soul via the channels of Yoga, Dao (Qi Gong, Tai Chi, Sword), Reiki, Quanta Healing, Sound Healing, Kundalini Activations, Women practices, Meditations, Breathwork, water healing, and others.

WEEK 2. OCEAN POWER in ULUWATU. During week 2 we will dive deeper into multidimensional power of Inner Ocean, the Universe, other beings, the Council of Light, inquire about your individual life path and spiritual journey, as well as about the Earth and humanity as a whole. You will have multiple spiritual coaching sessions and time to work on your Creative Plan of actions. By connecting to Higher dimensions of yourself, you will receive incredible amount of universal energy for your life and work projects. By aligning your business with higher aim, you will open a portal for more energy and flow into creative endeavours.

From cosmic perspective being born on planet Earth is a blissful holiday for the soul to experience the beauty of physical realm. It’s a journey of joy and space to manifest anything you would like to create. So why it’s not always paradise as it supposed to be?

We live in quite turbulent time which allows us to understand ourselves, our own consciousness and that of the planet Earth better than ever, through these challenges. Akashic Library keeps records of all possibilities and potentials in multiple dimensions of realities, and wisdom of all planes. It can be accessed to understand our own consciousness and resolve energetic knots and clouds from perspective of Higher Awareness (or Higher Self) and transform our own reality, impacting transformation of humanity as a whole.

By having an experience of Higher Awareness we discover who we really are, and what we are capable of as human being and a child of the universe. We also expand our perception in understanding of what Universe truly is. As a result of this experience we transform our lives from higher perspective and higher consciousness, by this helping other people to transform theirs.

Day 0. Arrival

DAY 1. FIRE. Letting Go

This day is dedicated to letting go. We can’t receive new until the old is being released. Empty your cup to receive new energy elixir into it.

In Chinese Medicine Fire corresponds to the power of the Heart. If we don’t nourish our heart, our inner light, the Shen, Spirit, is impacted deeply, and it influences the wellbeing and even perception of life. Joyfulness is a natural state of our spirit. Imbalance of joy is expressed as either too much (agitation or restlessness) or too little (depression). Lack of enthusiasm and vitality, mental restlessness, depression, insomnia, and despair come as a result of imbalanced Fire. We will be dedicating this day to balancing the Heart Qi.

Morning: Pranayama with Kriya Yoga, Qi Gong focused on Letting Go

Daytime: Individual healing sessions (massage, bodywork, sound and energy healing, QUANTA Energetics, Acupuncture)

Evening 5pm: Agni Hotra, Fire Blessing ceremony with Balinese priest in villa

DAY 2. WATER. New Energy Flow

This day is dedicated to bringing new flow into our life and to purification power of Water.

In Chinese Medicine Water corresponds to the power of the Kidneys. If we don’t nourish our kidneys, life force leaves fast, we have poor memory, and our will power is impacted. Week Kidney Qi is expressed as feeling fearful, insecure, anxious, aloof, and isolated. We will focus on balancing Kidney Qi and Water element within during the day.

Morning: Water Tai Chi and Qi Gong, Dao Cosmic Healing flow

Daytime: Visiting ancient sacred Balinese temple, immersed in a jungle, with waterfalls, caves for meditation, and a river. Balinese priest will hold a water blessing ceremony for us.

Evening: Sound Bath group session

DAY 3. AIR/METAL. Taking a new breath

How well do we know ourselves, our dreams and aspirations? This day is dedicated to the power of free unrestricted breath in life, letting go grief and sadness, kept in Lungs, and taking a new breath with new vision. We will visit Balinese oracle and attend purification ceremony with Balinese Priestess, who will answer our life questions and give new perspective on life and the path.

In Chinese Medicine Metal corresponds to Lungs. Fatigue, depression, excessive crying, sadness, and grief are manifestations of imbalanced Qi in Lungs, as well as the state of the immune system, the hair and the skin. We will focus on harmonizing Air/Metal element during the day.

Morning: Harmonic Pranayama (Breath practice) and Qi Gong for Lungs. Individual healing sessions, skin pampering

Daytime 2pm: Visiting Balinese Oracle and Priestess for reading sessions, and purification ceremony

Evening: Individual healing sessions. Group guided journey to Akashic Library and Higher Self.

DAY 4. EARTH. Finding the Grounding

The Earth is our Mother, our nourishment, our power, our source of goodness. If we live our life disconnected from Her, we don’t receive enough energy to sustain life. If we don’t have good ancestral karma, we potentially could be experiencing drawbacks and blocks on the way. This day will be dedicated to practices reconnecting us to Earth and purifying ancestral karma.

In Chinese Medicine Earth corresponds to Stomach and Spleen. Living busy lives, worries, and stress deplete the Qi of Spleen, as well as unbalanced food impacts the quality of Qi we literally receive from nutrition. As a result we are locked in a destructive worrying circle and tiredness and have no energy to come out of it, feeling of insignificance and instability, ego-pride. Balanced Wood is contentment, calmness, and devotion. We will focus on practices to break through such mind circles, and nourish the Earth element within.

Morning: Women practices, empowering the root, the source, the womb, for opening sexual power

Daytime: Visiting ancient Balinese temple with the priest for the ancestors blessings ceremony

Evening: Kundalini Awakening group practice.

DAY 5. WOOD. Strong Tree

Until we find our ground, we can’t grow and develop further. The tree has to have strong roots. This day is dedicated to growing our roots into the Earth, and practices that ground us, as only with good grounding on Earth, we can fly up and safely return Home.

In Chinese Medicine Wood corresponds to Liver. Imbalanced Qi in Liver brings anger, which, when out of balance, can be expressed in the extremes of excess wrath and irritation or as a emotional numbness, as in depression or PTSD, and cutting off from the world. We will focus on practicing balancing Wood element, experiencing openness and equanimity.

Morning: Wood Element Qi Gong

Daytime: Individual sessions or visit to ancient Balinese temple in the jungle with waterfalls and caves for meditation.

Evening: Sound Bath and Yoga Nidra.. connecting with light


Transforming Conflict cycle into Creative Cycle. Inner balance starts from harmonizing all elements within, and developing awareness about emotional states, as any disharmonic energy can be transformed into creative energy. Daoists are well-known for Neidan, Internal Alchemy practices, the path to immortality. Lola will be sharing some foundations of Daoist practices, easy practices that kept her energy high while working for 15 years in international consultancy.

Morning: 5 Elements Balance Qi Gong and Dao Cosmic Healing

Daytime: individual healing sessions or visit to priestess Ida Resi for blessings (TBC)

Evening: group event TBC

DAY 7. Ubud-Uluwatu

Travelling to Uluwatu, visiting beach

DAY 8. Infinite Energy

~ We will start the day with ancient Qi Gong practice to embrace infinite energy and reconnect with the elements within, beautiful inner and outer universe, and the source. We will purify and activate Chi (Life Force) within organs, learn Microcosmic Orbit breath practice to balance the flow of Qi through Inner Pillar to bring more light and manifesting power into your being.

~ Energy Universe and Energy Healing: round circle & discussion
Ancient scripts, quantum physics, neuroscience, fields theory about “All is Energy”, energy universe and energy healing.. How to open up and develop capacity for energy healing, for yourself and other people. How to heal yourself with intention: yogic scripts and neuroscience perspectives. How to always stay full of energy.

~ In the evening during Light & Sound Ascension Meditation & Sound Bath we will discover healing capacity within, rejuvenate body and mind through multidimensional practice, and connect with Higher Self and Akasha (universal library), finding true soul purpose for creating life full of joy, happiness, and realised dreams, and act with sincerity and wholeness to ourselves and the world.

You will start to work on Creative Plan of Actions via group Coaching sessions integrated into the daily activities.

Beach time in between.

DAY 9. Abundance and Manifestation Power

Abundance begins from within. Charisma and Manifestation Power are emanating naturally from a person who knows how to cultivate their energy.

We will start the day from Abundance ceremony embracing and empowering the energy of Abundance.

During the day we will be focusing on practices and spiritual coaching for Manifestation power.

DAYS 10-14. PROGRAMME will be updated depending on individual needs. Lola is teaching around the world certified courses in Sound and Energy Healing, Reiki Levels 1-2, QUANTA Energetics, Spiritual Coaching, Breathwork, Meditation, Yoga, Qi Gong and Tai Chi, as well as leads individual QUANTA Coaching programmes for deep personal and business transformation.

Retreat 14 days: 1333 Euro

This includes morning sessions with Lola Lhamo in Ubud and daily teachings in Uluwatu.

Individual sessions are calculated additionally:

Lola Lhamo: Chinese medicine, acupuncture, Quanta Energetics, Reiki, Sound Healer, Spiritual Coach: 122 Euro

Tino, Balinese energy healer: 100 Euro per person

Madeira, osteopath, Javanese energy healer: 150 Euro

Susanne: Sound Healer, Kundalini activation: 150 Euro

Zifa: Kashmiri sensual massage, face massage, women practices for the womb

Group events:

Balinese ceremonies visiting the temples, and at villa: 100 Euro per person

Balinese Oracle: 100 Euro for ceremony and reading, 50 Euro just for reading

Group Sound Baths, Kundalini Awakening: 50 Euro per person

For bookings reach Lola Lhamo by or WhatsApp +447757093532

Lola Lhamo, Founder of QUANTA Bio-Energy Centre & New Earth Leaders platform www.Creators.Earth

An architect of innovative transformational projects and ambassador of conscious leadership. 20 years in international business consultancy, in conceiving and managing global strategy for projects in the finance, payments, telecoms, computing, FMCG, luxury goods, and healthcare sectors.
Initiator of idea of Corporate Social Responsibility integration to activities of leading companies.
Coaching on personal and professional transformation and team leadership.

Lola has connection with Yoga, Dao and energy healing from childhood. Life brought her meetings with wonderful teachers, Daoist masters, Indian yogis, Tibetan lamas, alchemists, and New Earth scientists…

Lola helped building Enlightment Stupa at Roerich Museum, travelled with Tibetan lamas to India and Nepal to Buddhist monasteries and place of power, participated at World Congress on Psychology and Spirituality in India… Currently deepening studies in Daoist Arts and Chinese Medicine in temple in Wudang, China.

After 25 years of practice Lola created QUANTA Bio-Energy Centre with mission of activation and integration of evolutionary leaders – Creators of New Earth.
Centre offers programmes merging spirituality & science, practices of QUANTA Energy Medicine, Yoga, Dao Qi Gong, mindfulness, sound and vibrational healing, spiritual coaching iCreate, and latest bio-resonance tech.

Lola integrates knowledge of Himalayan Hatha, Kriya & Yin Yoga (RYT500h), Buddhist Mind Yoga and Neuropsychology, EpiEnergetics & Coaching, Pranayam and Meditation, Sound Energy Medicine and healing with the power of voice and Singing Bowls, Daoist Medicine (certified Acupuncturist), Daoist Arts Qi Gong, Tai Chi, the Sword & Cosmic Healing, Reiki (Master) and QUANTA Energetics – alchemical practices, reconnecting to our true nature, developing capacity to transform energy for healing and wholeness.

Lola also manages Sound Energy Medicine Practitioners Association (SEMPA), offering Sound Therapy certified courses worldwide for yoga teachers and energy healers, psychotherapists and clinicians, enjoys merging latest scientific research in sound, frequency & Bio-Energy medicine.